June Update: Production and Pledge Managers
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 09:44:18 AM
Hi everyone,
Sam here with an update on Quest Journals for Game Masters and Players. We have been beavering away on a few things since the campaign came to a close, and I thought it would be great to share some developments with you all.
Product Production
Since the end of May, when the campaign closed, we have been working with manufacturers on the final designs of all the rewards, including the Quest Binder and Quest Notebook. The process has moved forward at a good pace, and we are on track to meet our target timeline (delivery in November 2023).
Over the coming weeks and months, we will be receiving updated samples of the products and add-ons, as well as their packaging; these samples will allow us to make any necessary adjustments before progressing to the next stage of production. We look forward to receiving and reviewing these samples, and sharing some photos with you soon, too! In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of our packaging concept for the dry-erase pens:
Pledge Manager
Also, we have been collaborating with BackerKit to set up the post-campaign pledge manager. Our goal is to have this ready for you before the end of June. The pledge manager will enable you to confirm your pledge details, select any additional add-ons, and provide us with the information needed to fulfil your rewards smoothly. I'll send an update when these are sent out, as well as all the information you'll need to get started.
RPG Expansions
As you know, the Digital Sheets for Call of Cthulhu, Vampire the Masquerade and Savage Worlds character sheets were unlocked during the campaign. The design of these resources is already underway, and is progressing well. For those who backed the project with an interest in these systems, we are pleased to confirm that the stretch goals for physical Insert Packs (for use with your Quest Binder) will be available in the pledge manager. Any of the physical Insert Pack options that receive 100+ purchases will go into production.
Thank you for your continued support, we can't wait to see this project develop.
All the best,
Campaign Complete!
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, May 18, 2023 at 11:43:04 AM
The Quest Journals campaign is OFFICIALLY complete and fully funded, thanks to your incredible support. We are so excited to be able to bring the Quest Journals to your tabletop, continuing our mission to make playing RPGs easier than ever.
Campaign highlights
This is our seventh crowdfunding campaign, but each time we are blown away by the reaction of the wonderful RPG community. Here are some highlights from the past month:
- We received an incredible £77,494 backing from 1,706 backers around the world.
- The project was fully funded in just 14 minutes – a new record for us!
- You helped us unlock FOUR stretch goals, adding more pages, higher quality paper, stickers and maps to your resources.
- We let you decide what we make next, with our expansion pack nominations. Did you know we received nominations for more than 70 different RPG systems?!
- We also received hundreds of votes to decide on our three final choices for new expansion packs and welcomed lots of new adventurers to our friendly Discord server.
RPG System Expansions: final results
Talking of our poll, we are thrilled to formally announce the THREE RPG systems that received the most votes, and that we will take forward and develop into Digital Sheets for players...
Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed // Savage Worlds Adventure Ed // Vampire the Masquerade 5th Ed
Thank you and congratulations to the fans who voted to secure the top spots for these three systems!
As well as Digital Sheets, we will also add a stretch goal in the pledge manager to support the manufacturing of physical Insert Packs for each system. If 100 copies of the physical add-ons are ordered in the pledge manager, we will be able to manufacture these pages for use in your Quest Binder.
What next?
Over the next couple of weeks, Kickstarter will begin charging your cards and processing your pledges. If for any reason your card is declined, you'll have 7 days to fix the payment before they try again (if there are still problems, this can usually be fixed in the pledge manager via PayPal).
Towards the end of June, we will be sending out our pledge manager. Here, we'll collect your shipping details and payment, email addresses and a few other key bits of info from you – there's also an opportunity to add extra rewards to your pledge in the Add-On Store. More information on this process will follow closer to the time.
Project updates
As the project progresses, we'll post regular updates about the development, refinement and production of your resources. We expect to begin fulfilment in November 2023. If there are any changes to this delivery date, or we are able to supply digital content earlier, we will let you know in an update.
You can also follow the development of the project on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Discord and sign up to the Roll & Play Press newsletter (where you'll receive a free random table every month).
One last thing...
The next few weeks are busy ones for the Roll & Play Press team. As well as administering all your pledges and preparing the pledge manager, we are attending two massive conventions in the UK! We'll be at MCM Comic Con in London (Fri 26th - Sun 28th May) and UK Games Expo in Birmingham (Fri 2nd - Sun 4th June). If you will be at either event, please come and find us to say hello!
We'll reply to any queries as quickly as we can during this period, but please bear with the team if you don't get an immediate response over these dates.
That just leaves one final thank you from the whole team! We're so excited to bring you these rewards later this year and grateful for all your support.
Sam, Kay, Beth and Pasha.
RPG Expansions: Vampire the Masquerade
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, May 17, 2023 at 09:17:34 AM
Hi everyone,
🧛 100 votes for Vampire the Masquerade! 🧛
Here's something to sink your teeth into! Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition has reached 100 votes on our Discord poll. This makes it eligible to have Digital Sheets developed when the vote closes at the end of the campaign.
The diehard Vampire fans have been voting for this RPG throughout the campaign, so it's really exciting to see it cross the line before the Kickstarter ends!
Can I still vote?
Yes. Head to the Polls channel on our Discord and vote for the RPG system you would like to see developed into Digital Sheets. A system needs 100 votes or more to be selected for development.
As it stands, Pathfinder 1st Edition only needs 25 more votes to reach the magic number!
As a reminder, we can develop a maximum of three systems as part of this campaign. If more than three RPG systems reach over 100 votes, we'll select the three most popular. Consider your vote carefully to ensure your top choices stand the best chance of becoming a reality! We will also add a stretch goal in the pledge manager to support the manufacturing of physical Insert Packs, for the systems that go into digital development. If 100 people pledge for the physical add-on in the pledge manager, we will be able to manufacture these pages for use in your Quest Binder.
The poll on our Discord server will remain open until the final stages of the campaign. If you do not have access to Discord, but would still like to vote, please drop us an email at [email protected] with the system you would like to vote for.
How else can I support my favourite system?
After voting on Discord, don't forget to share this project with your fellow RPG fans, so they can get involved.
Share me: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rollandplaypress/quest-journals?ref=elmuls
All the best,
// Follow the development of the project on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Discord // Sign up to the Roll & Play Press newsletter to receive a free random table every month //
RPG Expansions: Call of Cthulhu
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, May 16, 2023 at 09:33:50 AM
Hi everyone,
🐙 100 votes for Call of Cthulhu! 🐙
Good news! By an otherworldly twist of fate, Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition has reached 100 votes on our Discord poll. This makes it a frontrunner to have Digital Sheets developed when the vote closes at the end of the campaign.
Thank you to the Cthulhu fans who came out in force. This system gained around 40 votes in the last five days, so a special thank you has to go to the determined backers who were sharing this campaign with their eldritch friends and family.
Can I still vote?
Yes. Head to the Polls channel on our Discord and vote for the RPG system you would like to see developed into Digital Sheets. A system needs 100 votes or more to be selected for development.
As it stands, Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition only needs 10 more votes to reach the magic number!
As a reminder, we can develop a maximum of three systems as part of this campaign. If more than three RPG systems reach over 100 votes, we'll select the three most popular. Consider your vote carefully to ensure your top choices stand the best chance of becoming a reality! We will also add a stretch goal in the pledge manager to support the manufacturing of physical Insert Packs, for the systems that go into digital development. If 100 people pledge for the physical add-on in the pledge manager, we will be able to manufacture these pages for use in your Quest Binder.
The poll on our Discord server will remain open until the final stages of the campaign. If you do not have access to Discord, but would still like to vote, please drop us an email at [email protected] with the system you would like to vote for.
How else can I support my favourite system?
After voting on Discord, don't forget to share this project with your fellow RPG fans, so they can get involved.
Share me: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rollandplaypress/quest-journals?ref=elmuls
All the best,
// Follow the development of the project on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Discord // Sign up to the Roll & Play Press newsletter to receive a free random table every month //
RPG System Expansions: Savage Worlds
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, May 12, 2023 at 06:52:36 AM
Hi everyone,
🎉 100 votes for Savage Worlds! 🎉
More great news this week! Savage Worlds Adventure Edition has reached 100 votes on our Discord poll, placing it firmly in the running to have Digital Sheets developed when the vote closes at the end of the campaign.
Thank you to all the fans of this system for your support. A special shout out to the backers who shared this project across Reddit and Facebook to help gather support – your hard work took this system straight to the top of our poll!
Can I still vote?
Yes. Head to the Polls channel on our Discord and vote for the RPG system you would like to see developed into Digital Sheets. A system needs 100 votes or more to be selected for development.
Currently, Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition only needs 16 more votes to reach the magic number!
As a reminder, we can develop a maximum of three systems as part of this campaign. If more than three RPG systems reach over 100 votes, we'll select the three most popular. Consider your vote carefully to ensure your top choices stand the best chance of becoming a reality! We will also add a stretch goal in the pledge manager to support the manufacturing of physical Insert Packs, for the systems that go into digital development. If 100 people pledge for the physical add-on in the pledge manager, we will be able to manufacture these pages for use in your Quest Binder.
The poll on our Discord server will remain open until the final stages of the campaign. If you do not have access to Discord, but would still like to vote, please drop us an email at [email protected] with the system you would like to vote for.
How else can I support my favourite system?
After voting on Discord, don't forget to share this project with your fellow RPG fans, so they can get involved.
Share me: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rollandplaypress/quest-journals?ref=elmuls
In the meantime, have a great weekend.
All the best,
// Follow the development of the project on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Discord // Sign up to the Roll & Play Press newsletter to receive a free random table every month //