Effortlessly record your characters, worlds and adventures with our stunning TTRPG binders and notebooks for 5E, Pathfinder and more.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Stretch Goal Unlocked: Maps Template Pack
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, May 11, 2023 at 08:51:31 AM
Hi everyone,
Did you know today is the 3rd anniversary of our very first Kickstarter campaign launch? What better way to celebrate than by unlocking another stretch goal for this project! We are super excited to officially add the Maps Template Pack to the Quest Journal range.
The Maps Template Pack will contain 15 different, unannotated map designs that you can incorporate into your own games or character backstories – 5 worlds, 5 regions and 5 towns.
Sample town map, not final artwork
In addition to a physical Maps Template Pack (compatible with the Quest Binders), we'll have a digital version for home printing or VTT use. Backers who have pledged at the Scribe's Backpack pledge level will automatically have a physical Maps Template Pack and its digital counterpart included in their rewards, and backers who have pledged for Digital Sheets will be able to choose the digital Maps Template Pack as an option in the pledge manager. All backers will be able to add the Maps Template Pack as a physical or digital add-on in the pledge manager, after the campaign has come to a close.
What's next?
Even more maps! If this campaign raises £80,000, the Maps Template Pack will be expanded to offer even more cartographic creations. In fact, we'll DOUBLE the number of maps from 15 to 30!
We'll be back in touch again soon, with updates from the final days of this campaign!
Stretch Goal Unlocked: Increased Page Count
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 10:07:38 AM
Hi everyone,
At the end of last week, we unlocked our third stretch goal! By reaching this target, we can increase the extent of the Quest Notebooks and the Quest Binder Insert Packs. These products will now be 120 pages as standard, up from 100! You will automatically benefit from this stretch goal being unlocked if your pledge includes a physical Quest Notebook or a Quest Binder.
We have had a number of requests to add dot paper to all our Insert Packs and Quest Notebooks, so we're happy to confirm that dot paper will now be included amongst the additional 20 pages. These are a versatile option for maps, notes, grids and other game-tracking needs!
What's next?
We can now announce that if this campaign raises £65,000, we will create a new Maps Template Pack!
The Maps Template Pack will contain 15 different, unannotated map designs that you can incorporate into your own games or character backstories – 5 worlds, 5 regions and 5 towns. Travel routes, geographical features and settlements on these maps will help you set the scene, and you can add in labels to identify certain areas to make them unique to your game. From our conversations with backers online and at conventions, we think these maps will really help GMs and players envisage the world their characters reside in, without them having to take a short course in cartography!
Sample town map, not final artwork
If this stretch goal is unlocked, we will produce a physical Maps Template Pack (compatible with the Quest Binders), as well as a digital version for home printing or VTT use. Backers who have pledged at the Scribe's Backpack level will automatically have a Maps Template Pack and its digital counterpart included in their rewards. Backers who have pledged for Digital Sheets will be able to choose the digital Maps Template Pack as an option in the pledge manager, and all backers will be able to add the Maps Template Pack as a physical or digital add-on in the pledge manager.
BUT, that's not all! We are also adding an £80,000 stretch goal that will boost the amount of maps available in the Maps Template Pack from 15 to 30.
Additional RPG systems
Separate to our stretch goals, we've also put plans in motion to produce expansion sets for additional RPG systems. You can read more about this process in our last update. So far, Call of Cthulhu is out in front with 57 votes, and Savage Worlds isn't far behind at 50 votes! In third place, Vampire the Masquerade is sitting at 42 votes.
Three more systems have reached the five vote threshold in our Kickstarter comments, so have been added to the Discord poll, these are:
Blades in the Dark
The Dark Eye 5th Ed
Coyote & Crow
Head over there now to vote for your favourite! If you do not have access to Discord, but would still like to vote, please drop us an email at [email protected] with the system you would like to vote for.
We're all really excited to see where this campaign will go! Thanks so much for all your support and comments so far, we love hearing from you all.
RPG System Expansions: Voting BEGINS
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 11:48:03 AM
Hi everyone,
In just over 24 hours, we've already had more than 150 nominations for RPG systems you'd like note-taking resources for! We love seeing everyone's enthusiasm for the huge range of TTRPG games that are out there.
Amongst the dozens of RPG systems nominated, seven games have already secured five nominations or more and have been added to our Discord poll – LIVE NOW on our server! The systems in the poll so far are:
Blade Runner RPG
Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed
Cyberpunk RED
Cypher System
Pathfinder 1st Ed
Savage Worlds Adventure Ed
Vampire the Masquerade 5th Ed
How do I vote?
Head to the Polls channel on our Discord and vote for the RPG system you would like to see developed into Digital Sheets. A system needs 100 votes or more to be selected for development.
As a reminder, we can develop a maximum of three systems as part of this campaign. If more than three RPG systems reach over 100 votes, we'll select the three most popular. Consider your vote carefully to ensure your top choices stand the best chance of becoming a reality!
Can I still nominate an RPG system?
Yes, the nomination process will remain open for 6 more days. Any systems that receive more than five nominations during this period will be added to the poll on a rolling basis. We'll stop counting nominations received after 15:00BST on the 27th April.
To nominate, leave a comment on the general campaign page (not the comments of this update) and nominate your preferred system in this format: "SYSTEM NOMINATION: RPG NAME" For example, SYSTEM NOMINATION: D&D 5E.
Check out Update #4 for a full outline of the nomination process.
We are SO excited to have just passed the £50k stretch goal. This means that we can add an extra 20 pages to the Quest Notebooks and Quest Binder Insert Packs. We will do a full update on this next week, as well as announcing a new stretch goal – watch this space.
RPG System Expansions: Vote for a New System!
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 08:36:41 AM
Hi everyone,
With all our projects, we aim to make TTRPG resources that are useful to as many GMs and players as possible. Offering 5E and Pathfinder 2E player resources and system-neutral GM resources was the starting point for this project, but there are many, MANY more RPG systems out there.
Our dream is to be able to create note-taking resources for other RPGs, and reading all your comments and suggestions makes us think you feel the same! So, the big question is, can we make that happen?
We certainly hope so! However, we'd need your help to do it. Here's the plan:
Nominate your preferred system
Leave a comment on the campaign page to nominate your preferred system (and edition, if relevant)in this format:
Any system that gets FIVE nominations or more will be added to a poll on our Discord server, for everyone to vote on.
Please note:
Add your nomination in the general campaign comments, not the comments on this update.
Write your nomination in the stated format, as mentions of systems in general comments won't be automatically counted.
Each person can nominate a maximum of THREE systems, so please choose the ones you would most like to see.
Vote for your favourite on Discord
Systems that receive five nominations or more will be added to a poll on our Discord server. Keep an eye on the Polls channel for the vote opening.
If a system reaches 100 votesbythe end of the Kickstartercampaign, we will begin developing DIGITAL PLAYER SHEETS for that system. These Digital Sheets will be available to purchase as add-ons in BackerKit, after the campaign closes. If your pledge already includes Digital Sheets, the new system will be added to the options you can choose from.
A maximum of three new systems will be developed as part of this process, based on popularity. If the team find it is not possible to produce compatible resources for a particular system, we'll move forward with an alternative option.
Stretch goals for physical sheets
In addition to developing DIGITAL PLAYER SHEETS for thechosensystems, we will also add a stretch goal in thepledge manager to support the printing ofphysical PLAYER INSERT PACKS. If 100 people purchase the physical add-on, we will be able to manufacture these pages for use in your Quest Binder.
If you have any questions about the above, please let us know in the comments below.
Gathering support
Want to see resources for your favourite system become a reality? The best way to do so is to share this project with other fans! We've set the targets of 100 votes to ensure there is enough interest to support the development of each new system. So, if you are in a home game, Discord group, or Reddit forum, spread the word amongst your fellow players and encourage them to get involved!
We'd love to expand this project further, and can't wait to see which systems are most in demand. Head over to the main campaign page and leave your "SYSTEM NOMINATION" comment now!
Thank you for all your support,
Stretch Goal Unlocked: Sticker Sheet
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 08:54:19 AM
Hi everyone,
Wow! Overnight (here in the UK), the project flew past the target for our second stretch goal! We will now be adding a decorative Sticker Sheet to the Utility Kits, to help you illustrate your session notes. Let us know in the comments what kind of RPG-themed stickers you'd like to see!
If you have backed at the Quest Binder Plus or Scribe's Backpack pledge level, or added a Utility Kit as an Add-On, you will automatically benefit from this stretch goal being unlocked. The physical Sticker Sheet will also be made available as a separate Add-On in the pledge manager, for anyone who wants to purchase it individually.
Digital backer? We'll also share the sticker designs as a free download for all backers!
What's next?
We'd love to add EXTRA PAGES to both the Quest Notebooks and Quest Binder Insert Packs. Hitting our next stretch goal will allow us to increase the extent of both products from 100 pages to 120 pages, giving you even more room to record your adventures!
We have received a huge number of requests for additional systems that backers would love to see in this project. Stay tuned for an exciting update coming soon!